My Journey
My journey to creating Muluku Cosmetics started from my youth. From a young age I used to suffer from dry skin. Many doctors prescribed creams never worked with the light water-based content drying out in a few hours. These creams had such a high amount of chemical ingredients. But to be honest, that was not something I had much interest in at such a stage in my life. It was more about the immediate results.
Luckily for me, my home was full of natural alternatives. Although, I never really used them as I hated the raw scent and harsh textures. With time I started experimenting for my own sake. Mixing these raw ingredients my favourite scents & perfumes. I clocked onto something. I had found a way to get the benefits of the good natural produce with the aromatic smell and feeling I liked.

I continued this for years making these for my own personal use. Honing these skills over years my concoctions became a force to be reckoned with. I started to be asked to make some more for most who came in contact with the products. I remember having to hide them at Football. Whenever one of my teammates tried some after training, my list of interested people would be constantly increase. At this point, it was always going to be a hobby for me as well as a necessity for my own wellbeing.
In 2009 my Mother was diagnosed with cancer. This changed my family’s whole perspective on life and on how we had chosen to live it. What became evident was the many toxic habits that were a norm of our everyday lives. During this time we did a lot of research. What was becoming clear was the various ways in which we lived a toxic lifestyle. For example, with us interacting with a cocktail of chemicals through our daily actions. The research exposed so many ways that I couldn’t have imagined before this journey became clear to me.
It was amazing to see how much we are exposing ourselves to very harmful ingredients, many of these through what we eat and what we feed our hair and skin. Most high street beauty products are either ultra-watered down or full of a combination of chemicals you can’t even pronounce, let alone spell. With these industries putting profit first before anything, they have a soulless approach to wellbeing. Profit is prioritised before everything. Even most “natural” products use a very small amount of the main ingredient while the rest of its makeup bulks things up with whatever they can get away with. Is it legal? Yes. Is it ethical? No. Beneficial to someone? No. But that’s a conversation for another day.

We must remember that the body can heal itself, but to heal we must create a clean toxic free healing environment. Turning away from these daily toxins that have been accumulating over time is the first step. This experience with my Mother’s diagnosis, the research I embarked on afterward, birthed the desire to create a collection of natural skin and hair care options that are what they say they are, pure and honest in its aims of nourishing the body. Every ingredient added having a beneficial use, utilised over thousands of years, without the user having to spend hours studying the ingredients effects. We should view what we put on our skin the same way we view what we eat. To heal the body is a process that starts from nature. The abundance of nature provides us with all the natural ingredients we need to heal and thrive.
One of the things I have enjoyed so far is watching and helping people expand on their natural journeys. Someone may come to me for a skin/hair-related issue, and through this they get introduced to a range of products I have crafted that would aid them. The body begins the process of adjusting to such natural ingredients, and gradually results are evident to see. It is like I have seen the start of their journey of reconnection to the way things should be as they start to gain more knowledge themselves, with most using this as a springboard to embrace a wider and more natural/toxic free lifestyle.
I hope this explains the journey so far, until next time.

13 Mar 2021This is fantastic Hiram 👏 I wish you every success 🙌
14 Mar 2021Thank you Caroline. I hope you are doing well.
13 Mar 2021Looking forward to the next and I absolutely love your products!
19 Dec 2021Hi Hiram, it was great meeting you at UCB and learning about your business/products. I look forward to sampling the products I purchased and spreading the word!
Until next time, best wishes take care.
Ms T (lady in blue sparkly dress)
28 Apr 2022Hiram. I met you over the weekend at a fitness event you sold me the body cream and soak. I can tell you since using this product i can feel the difference in my skin already i had a burn mark, which has since healed and the skin is now soft and returning back to normal. Well u now have a permanent customer. God bless you.